An Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between engine specialist Aquarius Engines and Japanese auto-parts manufacturer TPR, focused on cooperation between the latter and Aquarius’s soon-to-be established Japanese subsidiary.
At present, Aquarius Engines is in the middle of establishing a sister company to be based in Japan, with the aim of promoting and strengthening company ties with its existing Japanese partners, including Musashi Seimitsu and global automotive components manufacturer TPR.
Aquarius Japan plans to create strategic partnerships across Asia while promoting business opportunities in Japan. Alongside this, research and development will be conducted to adapt the company’s previously patented Aquarius linear engine to operate on hydrogen before entering the Japanese automotive sector.
As set out in the MOU, the two companies will cooperate in a number of areas, including developing production and the supply of parts used to manufacture Aquarius Engines products. TPR will be responsible for the manufacture and assembly of the Aquarius Engine and generator, alongside the sale of the units and future maintenance. TPR has expressed interest in Aquarius’s Japanese subsidiary and will be given the option to invest at least US$5m and the opportunity to participate in company management.
Due to TPR’s position in the automotive market, Aquarius Engines hopes that through the MOU, demand for its products will grow as a result and product quality will improve alongside increased turnaround times.
“We are pleased to be partnering with TPR, which is a dominant and central force in the Japanese automotive industry. Bringing together our subsidiary Aquarius Japan with TPR, we will be able to create long-term relationships with leading manufacturers in the Japanese market and establish Aquarius’s status as a key player in manufacturing the cars of the future. This is thanks to our innovative products, which will contribute to the green revolution that has already begun in the global automotive industry,” said Gal Fridman, chairman of Aquarius Engines.
Aquarius engines has developed a 10kg linear engine to be used for generating electricity with an internal combustion mechanism designed primarily for use in generators. The Aquarius Engine was designed to have only one moving part and converts fuel into electricity without the use of oil. Thanks to its size and lightweight configuration, the engine is highly efficient, enabling low emissions and low pollution.