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MAZDA EXCLUSIVE : Unlike most of the automotive industry, Mazda is determined to do things its own way, and this means no battery electric vehicles (for now!), and being the first to market with an HCCI engine. In an exclusive, refreshingly open interview, Kenichiro Saruwatari, vice president of R&D, Mazda Europe, reveals the powertrain road map to 2020 and beyond
FORCED INDUCTION FUTURE : Turbochargers and superchargers were once the magical ingredient that transformed a normal motor into a high-performance, heart-thumping racer. Now, with serious engineering inroads being made in e-boosting, forced induction technology is becoming the IC engine’s green savior
ENGINE MANUFACTURING : Ford’s innovative plasma coating technology is not only saving old engines from the scrapheap, it’s also shaping future powertrain design and development
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